
"Whenever I watch romantic movies, witness couples kiss and make up, listen to love songs.. I smile and feel good 'cause I know that love still works, if not for me, at least to others." - Ally McBeal

Saturday, July 13, 2013


Photo From Google

When I was a kid, I never thought about being 31. For me, ages are just numbers. I am 31, yet I don't feel like one. I feel like I am still on my teenage years. Only then I realized what people used to tell me that you can always be young at heart. For I am still young at heart.

Being 31, is not such an easy stage. Yes, I am still in love with colors and yet I'm no longer at the age where I can just wear anything I want or just buy whatever is there that are on sale or on season. Finding the right fashion for this age is not a joke. First, I must buy the basics. So last weekend I searched around for a white shirt or plain shirt appropriate for my age but then I came home empty handed. Yeah, I saw many shirts/tops/blouses but most of them will suite for girls on their early 20's or younger. I still love to wear shirts but in spite of the sale going on I can't just pick up any shirt to wear outside!

Shoes. I love heels and different colors such as pink, yellow, green, blue but then not all the time it will suite me the way it will look cute on younger girls. Recently I purchased a loafers. Hoping it will look professional and elegant without trying so hard. Plus, if I will wear high heels all the time I have to be ultra careful! I tripped once and the experience was not so good at all, the pain was unbearable that I thought I will faint from the pain. It's not good for my health and I don't want to suffer later on in my life because of it.

Jeans. Goodbye low waist jeans. Hello chinos and trousers! Even for jeans/pants I must choose carefully. Gone are the days that I can get away with just any jeans. I'm still dying to rock those colored jeans but I don't want to look like that I'm trying hard to look young as if I am still on my teenage years.

Even the make up, I can no longer experiment. Bright colors are a big no NO too!! I do not know if I will be able to get everything right. I'm just hoping I will be able to get through this, get used to it. I'm sure the things I mentioned are not enough. But one step at a time, even finding a good tops for simple malling is driving me crazy!

So for all the kids/girls out there, enjoy your youth. Especially for those who can't wait to grow up. Growing up is cool and fun but at the same time with so many obstacles. It ain't easy; sometimes I even wish that I'll be forever in my 20's..

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