
"Whenever I watch romantic movies, witness couples kiss and make up, listen to love songs.. I smile and feel good 'cause I know that love still works, if not for me, at least to others." - Ally McBeal

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Goodbye #71: Stripe Top Bikini

Minimalist Mantra: Have nothing in your home that is useful to you. My place? Well actually it is not my own. I can't do anything about the possession of others but I can do something about my own stuff. It has been months since I became the 'Purging Queen' of my earthly possessions. The road to my minimalism goals is quite long. But since I am doing it on daily basis I know one day I will get there. Some items I am discarding didn't make it to my blog but I sure do try to rid of an item per day.
Today is goodbye to this stripe top bikini that I have for at least about 5 years? Little items like this when put together create a clutter in my closet and in my small space. Maybe I will keep on doing it the whole year. That's how bad my clutter is.

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