
"Whenever I watch romantic movies, witness couples kiss and make up, listen to love songs.. I smile and feel good 'cause I know that love still works, if not for me, at least to others." - Ally McBeal

Sunday, March 19, 2017

Goodbye #74: Daiso Facial Plate

Two years ago when I was still doing a lot of Daiso Hauls I also posted about Daiso Facial Plate. But after that post, I was never able to use the facial plate again. And it went along with all my stash in the floor. And just because this year I am dedicating it into cleaning up my space and letting go of things I do not need, I am letting it go now.

I bought it out of curiosity which later on became useless to me. May this post serve a lesson to me to never again purchase products in impulse. Well that is all for today. How about you? Will you also join the minimalist movement?

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