
"Whenever I watch romantic movies, witness couples kiss and make up, listen to love songs.. I smile and feel good 'cause I know that love still works, if not for me, at least to others." - Ally McBeal

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Goodbye #80: Ever Bilena Blush Glow

This is the box only. The tube is somewhere in the house and will share it as soon as I find it. This was included in my beauty products from Manila haul.
It is a Philippine brand but probably Made in PRC. Affordable. But not my type. That's why I have to find the tube and other photos I have taken for you to see why it is not for me.
It is a white cream that turns into pink when applied to cheeks. And hard to remove so you better apply a small amount only. Saying goodbye as the box is adding up to my already cluttered dresser.

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