
"Whenever I watch romantic movies, witness couples kiss and make up, listen to love songs.. I smile and feel good 'cause I know that love still works, if not for me, at least to others." - Ally McBeal

Friday, August 4, 2017

Baby Foot Lavender and Baby Foot Men

Back in 2015 when I found the Baby Foot in Carrefour. No one told me about it and I did not read about it in the internet. I was curious as who would not want to have a soft feet anyway? So I bought one which I wore for 2 hours and my foot peeled in a week. 

I was not able to buy again because it is too expensive for me. And I let my feet on its natural state of being dry since then. And fast forward 2017 when I became a regular buyer from Ebay and I purchased Rolanjona from China thinking that it is a cheap alternative of Baby Foot but I was wrong.

But I want to have a soft feet at least before I die. I mean can I not have this little pleasure in life? And so without blinking I finally made a purchase again from Carrefour. At least I am sure that they do sell legit items than Ebay. Please don't get me wrong I do not have problems with my other purchases from Ebay. Just except for this one. That does not work.
And here are my Baby Foot from Carrefour. The white one is for women. With lavender scent that I failed to notice upon using. Price is 62.00AED while the black which is meant for men is 68.00AED. The old one I had to wear for two hours. This new one I had to wear for only one hour.

In the old one my foot peeled right away and kept on peeling for several days. In this new one my foot started peeling after 2 days. But I will not complain nor bash the product. Besides I was not able to clean thoroughly my foot before using the product and did not set the alarm. So I was at fault if the peeling is slow. But I still have my faith on it. And this product is really working unlike the cheap one I got from Ebay. It says that peeling will last up to two weeks. Now I do not know if it is safe to apply it again after that period of time. I will ask Google or experiment with it.
I know for a year now I had been talking about being a minimalist and frugal. Maybe an extreme frugal will not spend money on this. Anyway one can live with dry foot. Maybe the frugal will just make a DIY. But I am not really good in that. My DIY body scrub is still in the bathroom for 3 months now. 

But lately I had been really down. And thinking a lot about life like I always do. I still believe in concept of minimalism and frugal but then it is not something like one size fits all. It will really vary on each person. For me as long as it will not break my bank account then it is okay. Maybe I will fully stop buying items when I no longer have a job. But for now while I still work I want to reward myself for little things like this. 

Also I do not know how much it would cost if I will go to salon or clinic for the same procedure but I predict the amount will be higher than amount of Baby Foot. I might do it twice a month if allowed until I achieved desired results. I am planning on going to Japan but I cannot think of what products I can stock up. As after all the allowed baggage will only be 20 to 25 kilos. 

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