
"Whenever I watch romantic movies, witness couples kiss and make up, listen to love songs.. I smile and feel good 'cause I know that love still works, if not for me, at least to others." - Ally McBeal

Sunday, May 1, 2016

Me and the Body Moisturizers ~

Sometimes when it comes to skin care products I'm bipolar. Well as a young woman I was not able to take care of my skin. Partly because of financial concern. Partly because of ignorance. And because I'm not too interested. Even when I already have work I saw it as waste of money. Growing up with almost nothing my instinct when it comes to money is to just help my family and keep some money. Help the siblings in schooling (financially) so they will land a good job and never to experience the same hardships again. And save some money as to prepare for the future. I only started taking care of my skin later in life. As well as do some research about it. It has been said that the older we get, the drier our skin become. It has come to the point that my dry skin sometimes itch and hurts. And I can see the flakes of dead skin. Only then I decided to finally have some skin care regime.

I was not too keen in using a body lotion as I hate its watery feeling. But then I tried using it anyway. I have read a lot about brands for dry skin. One of the lotions I tried are: one US brand I can't remember the name but it has an AHA sadly I wasted money on that one, Avene Emollient Balm and Avene Cold Cream. I don't have any issues on Avene products except that they are too expensive here in UAE market.  I was about to finish the other bottle while thinking if shall I spend fortune with another French brand or look for another alternative. A cheaper one. Then out of the blue I was introduced to Victoria's Secret Deep Softening Body Butter that becomes my HG but sadly it has been discontinued. And because it has been discontinued I purchased at least 2 brands of body butters trying to look for something close to it. Sadly none will ever be close to it.

As I have said I don't want the watery feeling the lotion gives especially when it is hot all the time. The watery feeling and my sweat plus my clothes does not go well together and I get so annoyed. Where does being bipolar fits in? For someone who does not want lotion anymore (except the ever expensive Avene) I found myself purchasing all the variants of Bath and Body Works Aromatherapy lotion when they had a promotion for a very shallow reason that I love the way they smell. And in spite of me having a rant a few weeks back about them not sending SMS anymore and vowing never to come back again ever, here I am waiting for another SALE as they still have items I want to try.

After telling myself to for Pete's Sake stop looking for a product that will resemble the VS Deep Softening Body Butter here I am thinking about trying out True Blue Spa Body Balm and other brands of balm just because I read somewhere that body butter and body balm are the same. So if ever there is another promotion again expect me to write another post about my purchases. And before I forgot True Blue Spa Thick Body Cream looks promising too as I tried out the tester the last time I was in Bath and Body Works. Yes, I just so love contradicting myself. But then a part of me says that this is the only vice in life that I have so why restrain myself from it. And who knows I might be gone sooner than expected anyway.

In spite of me saying I will go back to the way I was before when I was living frugal to the extremes ~ I am contradicting myself by eyeing some expensive brands of skin care products. Long before I write this post I already have a wish list. Because who knows those brands might miraculously go on sale one of these days. And even thinking about it does not reflect my current project. The operation unclutter the flat. Operation 'Do Not Buy Anything And Finish Whatever Products I Have'. And my plan of going back to bar soaps after finishing all the bottles of body washes I have. As of the moment this is my favorite skin care. Body Scrub. So much for me living simply:

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